Since the dawn of the cryptocurrency era, Bitmain’s Antminer series has held a prominent position in the industry. One of their latest entrants in this space is the Antminer S19 Hydro, a model that integrates liquid cooling technology to enhance mining performance and longevity. This article will delve into this machine’s specific features, focusing on its size, weight, computing power, power consumption, and cooling system.

The Ant S19 Hydro Mining Machine: An Overview

Size and Weight
The Antminer S19 Hydro’s dimensions make it a relatively compact machine, considering its powerful capabilities. The miner measures 197 mm in length, 209 mm in width, and 412 mm in height, with a weight of 15.8 kg. Its compact size makes it suitable for various environments, from professional data centers to domestic setups, assuming proper cooling and power resources are available.
Computing Power and Power Consumption
The computing power of a mining machine directly influences the number of calculations it can perform per second. The Antminer S19 Hydro boasts an impressive hash rate of around 158 ± 3% terahashes per second (TH/s), a substantial improvement compared to its predecessors.
When it comes to power consumption, the S19 Hydro uses approximately 5451 ± 5% watts, translating to an efficiency rating of 34.5 ± 5% joules per terahash (J/TH). These values denote that while the S19 Hydro is powerful, it’s also notably energy-efficient.
Performance Evaluation: J/T and Cooling System
The J/T rating is a crucial indicator of a mining machine’s performance, as it reflects the amount of energy required to perform a unit of computation. The lower the J/T, the more efficient the miner. With a J/T of 34.5 ± 5%, the Antminer S19 Hydro strikes a balance between high hash rate and reasonable energy consumption, making it an appealing choice for miners considering long-term electricity costs.
Perhaps the most distinctive feature of the Antminer S19 Hydro is its integrated liquid cooling system. Unlike conventional air-cooled miners, which rely on fans to disperse heat, this system uses a coolant liquid to absorb heat directly from the machine’s components. The liquid is then cooled down, either through a radiator or a more advanced system like a cooling tower or chiller, before it is recirculated back to the miner.
This liquid cooling system contributes to the S19 Hydro’s high efficiency in several ways. Firstly, it allows for more effective and uniform cooling, which extends the hardware’s lifespan and maintains optimal performance. Secondly, the system operates with less noise compared to air-cooled miners, offering a quieter solution for indoor mining operations. Lastly, by reducing the reliance on air conditioning, this system can also contribute to lower overall energy costs.
However, users should note that while liquid cooling can increase efficiency and longevity, it also demands more upfront investment and maintenance than air-cooled systems. This aspect could increase the total cost of ownership and should be considered when making purchasing decisions.
In conclusion, the Antminer S19 Hydro provides a compelling mix of high hash rate, energy efficiency, and innovative cooling technology. While its initial investment and maintenance requirements might be higher than traditional miners, its superior performance and potential energy savings make it an appealing choice for both seasoned and new miners. As Bitcoin mining continues to evolve, embracing advanced technologies like liquid cooling could pave the way to a more sustainable and efficient mining future.

Understanding Water Cooling System

The increasing need for improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness in Bitcoin mining operations has spurred interest in advanced cooling solutions. One technology that is receiving considerable attention is the water cooling system. Unlike traditional air cooling systems, water cooling systems offer superior heat dissipation, quieter operation, and more efficient power usage. In this article, we will delve into the working principles of water cooling systems and introduce an exemplary model in this domain: the SAI HYDROBOX.

The Working Principle of a Water Cooling System

The principle behind water cooling systems in Bitcoin mining operations, or any high-performance computing setup, is straightforward. The high heat conductivity and heat capacity of water make it an excellent medium for absorbing and dissipating heat. A water cooling system typically comprises a water block, pump, radiator, and a reservoir.
The water block is a piece of hardware that is in direct contact with the heat-generating components of the mining machine. Water, or another type of coolant, is pumped through the water block, where it absorbs the heat produced by the components. The heated water is then pumped to the radiator, where it is cooled down before being returned to the water block.


The SAI HYDROBOX is a remarkable example of a water cooling system designed for Bitcoin mining operations. This advanced solution is tailored to meet the unique requirements of high-performance mining operations.
The HYDROBOX system, housed in a 20ft HQ container, features a 1130KW total input power, out of which 30KW is utilized by the water pump, cooling tower, and fan. The input voltage frequency is 415V60HZ, adhering to American standards.
The total power that can be assigned to the mining machines is 1100KW, with each machine operating at 5.24KW. In total, the HYDROBOX system can accommodate 210 Bitmain S19Hydro series mining machines. This allows for a computing power ranging from 28.77P to 53.55P, based on a single machine’s capacity of 137 to 255T.
The HYDROBOX’s HVAC system is designed to handle an inlet water temperature ranging from 20-40°C. The system has a flow rate of 88m³/h and a pipe diameter (cooling tower) of DN125.
The system also includes a 20 feet HQ container housing the cooling tower, certified by a classification society. The shipping weight is 7 tons, and the operating weight is 12 tons, inclusive of the coolant and servers. The cooling tower is designed to dissipate heat at a capacity of 1100KW, maintaining an environment with a wet bulb temperature of 28℃.

Why Choose the SAI HYDROBOX System?

The SAI HYDROBOX offers numerous advantages for high-performance Bitcoin mining operations:
High Efficiency: The system’s superior cooling capabilities mean that your mining hardware can run at peak efficiency without the risk of overheating, maximizing productivity.
Space Optimization: By accommodating up to 210 mining machines in a compact 20ft HQ container, the HYDROBOX system optimizes the usage of space in your mining operation.
Reduced Noise: Unlike air-cooled systems, which can be noisy due to the operation of multiple fans, the water cooling system of the HYDROBOX is considerably quieter.
Robust Design: The HYDROBOX system is designed and built to withstand the intense demands of a high-performance Bitcoin mining operation, offering durability and reliability.
Scalable: The HYDROBOX system is scalable, allowing you to add more systems as your operation grows.


The shift from traditional air cooling systems to advanced water cooling solutions like SAI’s HYDROBOX can be a game-changer for Bitcoin mining operations. The combination of increased efficiency, reduced noise, and space optimization can lead to significant improvements in productivity and profitability. As the Bitcoin mining industry continues to grow and evolve, innovative solutions like the HYDROBOX will be instrumental in shaping its future.

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